Continuity of professional development of teachers.


  • L. A. Martynets


In the National Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine up to 2021 it is stated that public policy in education, training and employment is based on world trends of continuous education - lifelong education, according to the socio-economic, technological and socio-cultural changes. Continuous education is realized through: – ensuring the continuity of content and coordination of educational activity at different stages of education that function as a continuation of the previous ones and provide training of individuals for a possible transition to the next stage; – formation of the necessity and ability to self-education according to the intellectual capacity of the individual; – optimization of the employees retraining system and improvement of their skills; – communication between the secondary, vocational and high school and post-graduate education establishments; – the formation and development of educational, scientific and industrial complexes of a multi-level training system.


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