Challenges in Teaching ESP: the Issue of Integrating Language and Content.


  • V. I. Kalinichenko


The Bologna and Post-Bologna processes in European higher educational institutions have shifted significantly educators’ views on teaching and learning English for Specific Purposes (ESP) at tertiary professional establishments with certain global, national and institutional ESP reform policies to have been implemented [6]. Numerous researches has been carried out recently covering both the high level of theoretical considerations within the context of up-to-date ESP instruction issues and a set of examples on useful classroom practices that could reduce substantially the scope of challenges for ESP teachers nowadays [1–8]. When discussing the issue of the abstract suggested the basic characteristic features of ESP (English for Specific Purposes), CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) and CBI (content-based instruction) are worth taking into consideration.


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Kaosar M. A. The ESP Teacher: Issues, Tasks and Challenges. URL : allenges 5. Migdadi R. Difficulties in Content and Language Integrated Learning: The Case of Math URL : Language_Integrated_Learning_The_Case_of_Math

Räisänen Ch. A., Fortanet-gómez I. ESP in European Higher Education. Integrating Language and Content: [Review] / Ch. A. Räisänen, I. Fortanet-gómez. URL : tion_Integrating_Language_and_Content_Edited_by_FORTANET_GOMEZ_INMACULADA_ RAISANEN_CHRISTINE_A

Tzoannopoulou M. Rethinking ESP: Integrating Content and Language in the University Classroom. URL : Integrating_Content_and_Language_in_the_University_Classroom

Wolff D. Integrating language and content in the language classroom: Are transfer of knowledge and of language ensured? URL :




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