Multimodal Dimensions of Color Nominations in Modern Makeup Advertising Discourse


  • Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса


Color terms have multiple times been investigated covering a scope of linguistic domains, such as psycholinguistics, semiotics, semasiology, phraseology, cognitive linguistics, etc. (see for example He Hu & Li Jie, 2019). The topic has been thoroughly scrutinized and substantial conclusions concerning cultural, psychological, conceptual and many other aspects of their functioning have been arrived at (see for example MacNeill, 1972).
The present paper brings in focus multimodal approach to the study of the color domain which has not yet been addressed in linguistics, color nominations in modern makeup discourse in particular, which defines the novelty of the paper.

Библиографические ссылки

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СЕКЦІЯ «Актуальні питання вивчення германських, романських і слов’янських мов і літератур та методики викладання іноземних мов і перекладу»